Sunday, 16 February 2020

Projection over wall recess

Projection over posts or wall recesses.

This is a common problem and caused by the different projection distance. How to solve it?

Hardware solution and software solution?
Content solution?

In this case, the client selected a content solution whereby the larger part of the content has been masked off in software. However, this resulted in the loss of some image areas, but essentially not a problem in this case.

A similar solution can be achieved by using the VNS GeoBox 800ex series and overlaying a b&w mask which is created on Photoshop or so and then simply imported into the controller.

Another solution could be the use of software based blending and warping software. In this case however, the vertical image area may have to be compressed in the larger areas, which could lead to undesirable distortions.

There is solution, but one has to be aware, that it may not always be ideal.

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